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IGN Borderlands Review

n0mad's picture

I highly praise IGN f0r telling us “GamerZ” what is wr0ng with a game with0ut sugar c0ating it and talking up a game with0ut atleast play testing it.

So if U are 0bsessed with this game like me check0ut
Further into the Borderlands Impressions after several hours of play with Gearbox’s shooter for loot hunters.

Really one of my favorite bits of the game – and it’s pretty nerdy, but considering the subject matter, I figure that’s ok – is how the user interface is set up. There are numbers everywhere in Borderlands

mmmmm n0mberZ



Microman's picture

I wanna free demo!

Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo

Borderlands Borderlands Borderlands Borderlands Borderlands!

I believe y0u sh0uld buy a

I believe y0u sh0uld buy a new keyb0ard y0.
Your o key seems t0 be br0ken.

n0mad's picture

n0 pr0bs here

n0thing wr0ng here, must be y0ur m0nitor :P


Fuzz's picture

Shiver me timbers

yarr, maybe it’s his contraption.

just got this game today

just got this game today guys. lovin it so far, add me to ya freinds list.

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